Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer

So, I just recently finished reading Twilight, yet again. I know this is supposed to be what you would call a "tween" book, but I can't help myself. I find the mythical type of genre to be the most enticing. I want to read about people, places, and objects that are completely unreal. It gives me things I can dream of. I tried to ignore the Twilight phenomenon ad I did for quite awhile too, but I gave in after New Moon came out in the theaters. I was bored one night last year and I found Twilight on television and I gave in and watched it. It just opened my eyes to another world. I immediately found the books at my local library and read them all in a matter of days. I have been obsessed ever since. I've re-read the entire series multiple times and have seen all the movies to date. I so wish that a series of books that you enjoy would never end and that there was always more to write about. Although, I can not completely agree that Stephenie Meyer is an excellent author, I find many mistakes in her work, I can agree that she is completely full of imagination and knew how to write an amazing story.

1 comment:

  1. I tried very hard to avoid the phenomena, too, but students kept telling me that I HAD to read the books....I avoided reading them until one student finally brought a copy to me to read...I hated to disappoint her, so I started the book...the next thing I knew, I'd finished the book (overnight, mind you) and was back the very next day--begging for book 2! Since she couldn't give it to me quickly enough, I broke down and bought it...and the rest of the series! I now own both types of paperbacks (the original regular sized ones as well as the trade paperbacks--I'm anxious for the BREAKING DAWN trade paperback to come out) as well as the BOXED set of the hardbacks!!!! LOLOL! I've bought TWILIGHT for more people than I can remember or count as birthday and Christmas presents!!! LOLOLOL!!! And I'm JUST as fanantic now about the HARRY POTTER series--which I avoided (see my Blog) until last summer!!!
